The hexadecimal color code #dede4d is a shade of yellow-green. In the RGB color model #dede4d is composed of 87.06% red, 87.06% green and 30.2% blue. In the HSL color space #dede4d has a hue of 60° (degrees), 69% saturation and 59% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 570.47 nm. Buy paint matching this color Download: â 24/04#e0dc44 ÎE = 1.227 / LRV â 67.5% â T2051-2#dade56 ÎE = 1.342 / LRV â 67.8% â Bright Yellow#dada4a ÎE = 1.401 / LRV â 65.5% â G8.45.80#dfda4e ÎE = 1.467 / LRV â 66.4% â Climate Change / F76W#dde05a ÎE = 1.468 / LRV â 69.4% â 584 CP#d7dd46 ÎE = 1.495 / LRV â 66.6% â Green Tea#dce24d ÎE = 1.544 / LRV â 70.1% â Morimondo / LP-276#e5e14c ÎE = 1.634 / LRV â 71.0% â Wow / KM3399-3#d9dd58 ÎE = 1.662 / LRV â 67.2% â S 0560-G70Y#e0e34a ÎE = 1.711 / LRV â 71.3% â 14-c1#e2de5e ÎE = 1.787 / LRV â 69.2% â Natural Green / S 0570-G60Y#d8db3d ÎE = 1.788 / LRV â 65.6% â CF10227#dae03b ÎE = 1.9 / LRV â 68.5% â 5482#d5dc4c ÎE = 1.903 / LRV â 65.9% â Manz G86-120-095#e4db55 ÎE = 2.031 / LRV â 67.8% â Wow / 7774#d4dd4c ÎE = 2.117 / LRV â 66.2% â Wow / 7774#d4dd4c ÎE = 2.117 / LRV â 66.2% â Wow#d4dd4c ÎE = 2.117 / LRV â 66.2% â IST 238-05#dfd851 ÎE = 2.214 / LRV â 65.4% â Margarita / DA299#d6e03d ÎE = 2.299 / LRV â 67.9% Art is the stored honey of the human soul.Theodore Dreiser Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.Dr Suess The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real.Lucian Freud